Cameras for photos and videos image editing and editing stations none of these are needed by anyone who owns a smartphone 2 megapixels Social media posts with pictures receive 53 more Likes 104 more Comments and are shared 84 more frequently than posts without pictures The largest number of these pictures by far is shot with smartphones So ur ce D el oi tt e P ho to s ha r i ng t ri lli on s an d ri si ng 20 16 SOCIAL MEDIA TURBO 25 700 is the number of selfies average millennials are expected to have shot with their smartphones by the end of their lives Source Elsa Godard in the book I Selfie Therefore I Am 1 2 TRILLION PHOTOS were taken by the world population last year Especially the increasing use of smartphones has been causing the number of pictures shot around the globe to continually increase for years Accordingly some 85 more than one trillion of all photos were taken with these mobile multi talents Conventional digital cameras now only account for a market share of 10 3 Source Bitkom survey The Future of Consumer Technology 2017 N E W IMAGERY This was the resolution of the camera installed on the first iPhone in 2007 The current model achieves 12 2 MP and competitor models such as the Huawei Mate 9 even 20 MP In addition smartphone camera lenses today are twice as light sensitive as they used to be 38 39

Vorschau Schaeffler tomorrow 01-2018 EN Seite 38
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