What makes Formula E as a racing se ries with electric drive so special It is the first professional global racing series that exclusively uses electric drive As a result the races can take place in the city centers of large metropolises for which racing series using com bustion engines would not be granted a permit How does a battery work Atoms consist of neutrons and positively charged protons in the nucleus The outer shell of the atom consists of negatively charged or biting electrons By means of a chemical reac tion a deficiency of electrons is produced at the positive pole of a battery and an excess at the negative pole This state called voltage and measured in volts does not please the nuc leaus of the atom the ion or the electrons The electrons begin to move from the minus pole to the positive pole in order to restore a balance a current starts to flow The more the electrons move the stronger the current which is mea sured in amps On the positive pole electrons are always cleared away so that the voltage is maintained A depleted battery loses voltage and as a result will not work anymore What kind of batteries are used They are produced by Williams Ad vanced Engineering WAE a sister company of the Williams Grand Prix Formula 1 racing team Lithium ion batteries are being used just like conventional smartphone batteries but with an elaborate cooling system for each individ ual cell For comparison the pure lithium ion cells of the Formula E battery weigh 200 kg to tal battery 320 kg which corresponds to the batteries in 300 laptops or 4 000 smartphones The resultant engine performance in Formula E is limited to 200 kW 272 hp in the qualifying while a maximum of 170 kW 231 hp is cur rently allowed in the race The maximum volt age of the battery is about 700 volts the usable energy is limited to 28 kWh A very simple com parison 280 individual 100 watt incandescent bulbs can be illuminated with the amount of energy in the battery of a fully charged Formu la E race car for one hour Or you could drive High Voltage Electrifying world class motorsport Electric powertrains 66

Vorschau Schaeffler Fact Sheet XXL - FE 2017 EN Seite 66
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