In times of scarce resources ne dust pollu tion and emission scandals the agenda more than ever before has been set for alternative powertrains Hybrid and electric drive are the most advanced and widely spread systems Schae ler supports this game changer with for ward thinking technologies In the light of this trend the company is in the process of dou bling its global capacities in the eld of electric mobility In total the team dedicated to elec tric mobility and mechatronics will increase to 2 400 members within the next ve years The speed at which headcount is growing is matched by the expansion of Schae ler s electric mobility product portfolio From hybrid modules to the electric axle to wheel hub mo tors the company o ers solutions for hybrid and fully electric vehicles covering both 48 volt and high voltage systems GTC II NEW FUEL ECONOMY BENCHMARK The second generation of the Gasoline Technology Car GTC II created in close cooper ation with Continental and Ford is a ne exam ple of Schae ler s innovative spirit The car that is based on the Ford Focus shows the potential of intelligent state of the art 48 volt hybridiza tion The most notable di erence between the latest version and its predecessor model GTC I is the fact that the electric machine has been integrated between the internal combustion engine and the transmission in a highly e cient manner The GTC II like the GTC I marks a milestone achievement because highly ef cient hybrid operating strategies have been successfully implemented in a vehicle with a manual transmission says Prof Peter Gutz mer Member of the Executive Board and Chief Technology O cer at Schae ler The electri ed clutch in the GTC II additionally creates the prerequisite for functions such as electrical starting from rest electrical stop and go plus recuperation nearly up to the point of rest 25 fuel savings are promised by the GTC II from Schae ler Continental and Ford The GTC II already complies with the strict emission standards for 2017 2018EURO 6 C 11
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