In 1970 Porsche is the overall winner at Le Mans Tappets from INA bridge the gap between the camsha and valves in the engine of the 917 Schae ler uses the race track as a test laboratory Today Schae ler has established itself as THE specialist for components and systems in the valve train PORSCHE 917 SUCCESS STORY Schae ler engineers introduce hydraulics into the valve train Hydraulic tappets as used for the rst time by Porsche in the road going 928 launched in 1977 are self adjusting and mean that time consuming garage services are a thing of the past PORSCHE 928 COMFORT DUE TO TECHNOLOGY A comparative look at Porsche s model histo ry from the original 356 model to the current 918 the high tech hybrid road going sports car impressively documents more than six decades of automotive progress progress that Schae ler has been helping to drive from the very beginnings Automobile manufactur ers around the globe rely on innovative and active assistance of this kind by suppliers that decisively influence automotive advance ment drawing on their production know how and the innovative prowess of their develop ment engineers SCHAEFFLER GLOBAL EXPERT PARTNER Schae ler is one of these global expert partners of the automotive industry for susta inable mobility The product portfolio encom passes technologies for the engine transmis sion and suspension plus hybrid elements and electric motors It extends from single PORSCHE AND SCHAEFFLER PARTNERS FROM DAY ONE The collaboration between the Stuttgart based manufacturer and Schaeff ler goes as far back as 1948 and the fi rst Porsche A summary of the most important joint projects to date 13

Vorschau Schaeffler Fact Sheet XXL - WEC Fuji Seite 13
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