Porsche sets new standards in terms of e ciency and performance with the VarioCam Plus variable valve control system The engine s characteristics can be matched to the relevant driving situation with this technology supplied by Schae ler The 959 of the late 1980s represents cutting edge technol ogy with its four wheel drive and tire pressure monitoring system This sports car with a top speed of more than 300 km h also features hydraulic chain tensioners A Schae ler invention which also bene ted drivers of the Porsche 911 PORSCHE 959 HIGH TECH LABORATORY PORSCHE 911 TYPE 996 EFFICIENCY components to complex systems and energy e ciency is a focal topic in this context The CO2ncept 10 concept car is a case in point In 2009 Schae ler used this tech nology demonstrator based on a Porsche Ca yenne to show the optimization potential yet Two innovative Schaeff ler solutions The electromechanical roll stabilizer is adaptive and thanks to an electric motor that only draws power when the swivel actuator twists operates very e ciently UniAir the world s rst fully variable electrohydraulic valve timing system le is an important key to increasing the e ciency of internal combustion engines to be tapped even by modern automobiles Equipped with a large variety of coordinated Schae ler products fuel consumption and CO2 emissions drop by ten percent In additi on the prototype of the electromechanical roll stabilizer was tested in this concept vehicle PROGRESS AND COMPLEXITY Today seven years later the compo nents shown back then including electrome chanical camsha phasers and roll stabilizers have become volume products Progress never ends Accordingly modern automobiles are distinctly more complex than their ancestors No matter how long the road may have been from the Porsche 356 to the 918 Spyder hybrid sports car it s a road Porsche and Schae ler have always traveled together 14
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