Lower consumption 45 9l 4 9l VW Golf 1 1974 VW Golf 7 2016 Consumption in l 100 km Small engines save weight and with modern technology modern engines are genuine power plants despite having less cylinders both on the race track and on public roads Combined with systems to recuperate energy such as for example the recovery of brake energy i e recuperation the consumption level sinks signi cantly EFFICIENT MOTORING ERS K ERS H History of downsizing Porsche 917 12 cylinders 4 5 l displacement 383 kW 6 cylinders 2 9 l displacement 500 kW Porsche 962 Porsche 919 Hybrid19941970 2016 4 cylinders 2 0 l displacement 368 kW E motor 294 kW E Boost through energy recuperation The Porsche 919 Hybrid is equipped with two systems for energy recuperation On one hand braking energy is recovered on the front axle by recuperation and on the other exhaust energy is used via an E generator driven by the exhaust gas flow This recovered energy is stored in the battery and used for boosting lap by lap ERS K ERS H Turbocharger In addition to vibration damp ing the turbocharger is an important downsizing compo nent Ideally friction optimised by low friction roller bearings Variable valve control Enables variable control of the valves through cam sha regulation synchro nised to the actual driving situation Hybrid module Schae ler o ers di erent hybrid modules for the bespoke electri cation of the drivetrain from compact class to SUV in the development laboratories Revolutio nary technologies have frequently stood up to their baptism of re in the heart of France and then went on to establish their place in volu me production A brief summary streamlined bodywork lightweight design and hybrid po wertrains For OEMs and suppliers Le Mans is a pa radise The regulations deliberately allow freedom in many areas and durability plays a crucial part just like it does in production For Schae ler the legendary Porsche 917 for instance was a development demonstrator for valve train components that were subsequent ly produced by the millions Turbocharger development bene ted from Le Mans as well Porsche in 1976 achieved the rst victory with a turbo engine there TEAMWORK MOMENTUM COMMITMENT Success in motorsport is closely associ ated with the abilities of every individual but above all with teamwork Motorsport de mands innovative prowess and momentum commitment and courage which are of equal ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB porsche com lemans org awec com schae lergroup schae ler com Schae ler schae lergroup importance in the daily quest of Schae ler s employees for maintaining their company s position as one of the world s leading automo tive suppliers This is another reason why commitments in motorsport have been an integral component of Schae ler s brand strategy for decades Motorsport is emotional and while the WEC DTM and Formula E racing series the compa ny is involved in around the globe are highly diverse all of them are challenging in terms of technology In fo gr ap hi cs w w w jo se kd es ig n de 6
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