THE AUTHOR Marcus Franken stud ied environmental en gineering in Berlin worked as an envi ronmental journalist and is now in charge of Ahnen Enkel an agency that provides consulting services to companies regarding en vironmental topics In spite of being a staunch urbanite he spends nearly every weekend at the family s da cha in the country where the wind turbines in the Uckermark region pro vide him with a live experience of en ergy transition right on his doorstep solar modules have been covering the roof the size of a soccer pitch of the Paul VI Pontifical Audience Hall for ten years now The system has a total capacity of some 220 kilowatts and supplies about 300 megawatt hours of electricity per year which equates to roughly the annual requirement of 100 European four person households or one fifth of the Vatican s demand The German pope Benedict XVI also pushed through waste separation in the smallest state of the world at a time when in the surrounding Italy this was still regarded as a hobby of freaks 2 394 63 here and now

Vorschau Schaeffler tomorrow 02-2018 EN Seite 63
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